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Why do humans waste so much time?

Your time on this earth is so fleeting, why do you waste it on such trivial things? But oh, where are my manners? First I should introduce myself. My name is David and I am, as you may have guessed, a vampire. And you? You are here because I invited you. You heard my call, you began searching and found me thinking all the while you had your own will that led you to click on this blog, to read what is written. But don't worry, I won't victimize you. In fact, I've made great progress in that area. The other day I told my therapist how I did not feed on my new cleaning woman and she was very proud to hear of my progress!  Being around so long, I have observed so much about humans that I thought I would post what I find and offer some bit of insight that I posses as part of what my therapist calls, "giving back".  "David, " she has told me, " you have taken so much, you really need to balance out your karma and give back."

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